Let’s work together.

Interested in having your article published on our website? Follow these steps and we will get back to you within 7 days. If you have not heard back from us in that time, we most likely had to pass, but don’t be discouraged!


  • Article must be about Chinese Medicine, Health and Wellness, or Scientific Research regarding Health.

    • This can include but is not limited to: TCM connections to Western Diagnoses, Herbal formulas and their uses or effectiveness, Recipes, Informational or Research Pieces.

  • Must have valid references and work cited— all articles are reviewed for originality to avoid plagiarism.

  • By submitting this article you are agreeing to submit orignial work— no articles posted or published previously will be accepted.


Copy your article into the “Article” Box with the Title , Author: (Name and credentials)

Body: (article)

Bio: (Short bio- 150 -200 words; include credentials, experience, personal info, Website, Address of Practice, any Specialties, etc.)


Upload any necessary files including pictures (must be original).

Additional Information and Agreements

  • We do not accept overly promotional content. However, you may include a short bio with links to your work at the end of your post.

  • Articles should be between 800–1,500 words.

  • House of Shen reserves the right to edit submissions for clarity, grammar, and formatting.

  • We may adjust titles or structure slightly to fit our audience but will not alter the core message.

  • The Author certifies that the submission is original work and does not infringe on any copyright, trademark, or other proprietary rights.

  1. Permission to Publish

    • The Author grants House of Shen a non-exclusive, royalty-free right to publish, edit, and distribute the submitted content.

  2. Editing Rights

    • House of Shen reserves the right to edit the submission for grammar, formatting, and clarity, while maintaining the original message.

  3. Credit & Links

    • The Author will be credited with a byline and bio, including one do-follow link to their website or social media.

  4. No Compensation

    • The Author understands that submissions are voluntary and unpaid.

  5. Liability & Accuracy

    • The Author is responsible for ensuring the accuracy of the content. House of Shen is not liable for any claims arising from inaccuracies or copyright disputes.

  6. Right to Remove Content

    • House of Shen reserves the right to remove published content at any time.

  7. Agreement to Terms

    • By submitting content, the Author agrees to the terms outlined in this Agreement.