Mirrored In Nature: The Living Networks of Fascia and Mycelium
Many of us have seen or heard the comparisons made between the human body and nature— such as the way lung alveoli resemble tree branches, the shape of walnuts mirroring the structure of our brains, or the similarity between rivers and blood vessels. Nature is full of examples that mirror our inner environment. What is even more fascinating is the functional connection between these elements. For instance, just as rivers distribute water and provide nourishment to land, our blood vessels circulate nutrients to help sustain our bodies. Trees and lungs both exchange gases to maintain life, while walnuts mirror the brain in structure, they also contain high levels of omega-3, which is beneficial to our brain’s cognitive function. These similarities make me wonder how Earth and all of its inhabitants were designed not only to reflect each other, but to work harmoniously, benefiting one another in a deeper way.
Two of the hottest topics in health and wellness right now are mycology and fascia. While they’re often discussed separately as their own distinct entities, I can’t help but notice how similarly they are structured and how their functions seem to reflect each other. There is something truly beautiful about the duality of both. Mushrooms, born from decay, thrive in environments that are constantly changing and adapt to benefit entire ecosystems. It is a poetic existence when you think about it. Similarly, fascia is a structure that has evolved through human experience— shaped by birth,death, loss, grief, joy, and community. In many ways we embody the same principles, constantly adapting and contributing to the whole.
Let's dive into the similarities, from structure to function.
Structural Parallels
Fascia is a three-dimensional tensegrity network– tensegrity is tension and integrity combined; almost like a bridge. This structure is composed of mostly collagen and elastin fibers, as well as containing approximately 70% water, (Mercola, 2024). Fascia is piezoelectric, meaning it generates electrical charges under pressure. The generated charge can mobilize ions, affecting blood flow, movement of interstitial fluid and the nervous system responses. Fascial receptors respond to neurotransmitters more quickly and at lower doses than neurons, highlighting their heightened sensitivity (Slater et al., 2024).
Where this becomes really interesting is when we consider pressure aside from physical stress such as an injury or physical activity. Emotional tension also manifests physically in our fascia. Chronic stress, fears, and trauma can all cause contractions of fascial tissue and disrupt the piezoelectric signaling. Over time this can lead to chronic pain, imbalances and reduced energy flow (or qi stagnation in Chinese medicine terms).
The emerging research on fascia reinforces principles observed in holistic practices, such as the interconnectedness of the body, the importance of movement and lifestyle, and the body's self-healing abilities. Fascia provides a framework for these ideas, emphasizing the need for broader perspectives in understanding and treating health issues. This convergence of ancient wisdom and modern science is paving the way for more integrated approaches to healing.(Mercola, 2024)
Mycelium is composed of chitin fibers that create branching hyphal networks. Hyphae are basically strings of fungi cells, they look similarly to roots. Mycelium also generates bioelectric signals in order to allocate nutrients between different organisms, sense environmental changes, and respond to threats or stress. A single cubic inch of soil can contain over 8 miles of mycelial networks (Stamets, 2005), creating a density of communication pathways similar to the fascial web throughout human tissues. In forest ecosystems, mycelium creates what scientists call a 'Wood Wide Web' (Rhodes, 2017), a sort of messenger system amongst the mycelium and living organisms in the environment. For example, when a Douglas fir tree is attacked by insects, it releases chemical signals that travel through the mycelial network to warn neighboring trees, which then produce defensive compounds (Song et al., 2015). This mirrors how fascial networks transmit inflammatory signals throughout the body when one area experiences trauma.
These two structures are intelligent networking systems, they distribute signals and resources, respond to stress or damage from external stimuli, and influence systemic health, mycelium in ecosystems and fascia in humans. Their goal is to maintain balance and adaptability.
Relevancy to Chinese Medicine
There is some research surrounding theories and explanations as to how fascia and the meridians in Chinese medicine overlap. Research using imaging techniques like CT and MRI has shown that fascial structures in the body align closely with traditional Chinese meridians. These reconstructions reveal line-like patterns similar in form and distribution to meridians and collaterals, suggesting that the fascial network may provide an anatomical basis for the meridian system (Bai et al., 2011). I believe this information is more significant than many realize. If fascia—this intelligent, interconnected system aligns with the centuries-old meridian network, it could offer a whole new understanding of how acupuncture works. It might explain why a point like Liver 3, located between the first and second metatarsals on the foot, can influence areas like the head and eyes, (Deadman, 2007). If there is a true communication system within the fascia, it could provide a tangible network linking the points to other areas of the body, rather than just studying their function locally.
A Hypothesis on How Chinese Herbs Transition from Earthly Communication to Fascial Pathways in TCM
Building on the interconnectedness of fascia and mycelium, the communication journey of herbs begins long before they’re harvested and used as medicine. While growing on the earth, they connect with the environment through mycelium. The mycelium facilitates the exchange of nutrients and signals across the ecosystem, establishing a connection betweens herbs and their homes. Once the herb is harvested and used as medicine, the communication network shifts.
According to Benksy’s Materia Medica, one of the ways herbs are understood in Traditional Chinese Medicine is through the channels they enter. The concept of herbs entering specific channels was alluded to in earlier works like Tang Shen-Wei’s Materia Medica Arranged According to Patterns, but it was Zhang Yuan-Su who made this relationship explicit, recognizing that an herb’s action is often determined by the channel it enters (Bensky, 2010). If channels and fascia networks seem to overlap, and herbs enter and utilize these human networks, it may suggest that they recognize this similar communication system within the body. This aligns with the idea that herbs follow specific pathways within the body’s fascial system, traveling to certain meridians and channels to exert their therapeutic effects.
While exploring the parallels between mycelium and fascia and how this can be related to Traditional Chinese Medicine, I’ve gained a deeper understanding and appreciation of the body’s potential for healing through its relationship with nature. By integrating these insights, we see how everything complements each other. If fascia truly serves as a bridge between the body’s meridian system and the communication channels used by herbs, this could revolutionize our approach to holistic health and blending modern medicine with the ancient wisdom of Chinese medicine and other modalities.
Bai, Y., Wang, J., Wu, J.-P., Dai, J.-X., Sha, O., Yew, D. T. W., Yuan, L., & Liang, Q.-N. (2011). Review of evidence suggesting that the fascia network could be the anatomical basis for acupoints and meridians in the human body. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 2011, Article 260510. https://doi.org/10.1155/2011/260510
Bensky, D. (2010). Materia Medica. In Bensky, D., Clavey, S., & Stoger, E. (Eds.), Chinese herbal medicine: Materia medica (3rd ed.). Eastland Press.
Deadman, P. (2007). A manual of acupuncture (2nd ed.). Journal of Chinese Medicine Publications.
Mercola, J. (2024, October 26). Unveiling fascia: The role of connective tissue in pain and mental health treatment. Mercola. https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2024/10/26/fascia-documentary.aspx
Rhodes, Christopher. (2017). The Whispering World of Plants: ‘The Wood Wide Web’. Science progress. 100. 331-337. 10.3184/003685017X14968299580423
Song, Y., Simard, S., Carroll, A. et al. Defoliation of interior Douglas-fir elicits carbon transfer and stress signalling to ponderosa pine neighbors through ectomycorrhizal networks. Sci Rep 5, 8495 (2015). https://doi.org/10.1038/srep08495
Slater, A. M., Barclay, S. J., Granfar, R. M. S., & Pratt, R. L. (2024). Fascia as a regulatory system in health and disease. Frontiers in Neurology, 15, 1458385. https://doi.org/10.3389/fneur.2024.14583
Stamets, P. (2005). Mycelium running: How mushrooms can help save the world. Ten Speed Press.